Unlock the future with our automatic doors.

    Exceptional quality manufacturing, professional installation, and reliable repairs of automatic garage doors.

    Open the doors to the future with our automatic innovation

    Exceptional quality manufacturing, professional installation, and reliable repairs of automatic garage doors.

    Step over the threshold through the automatic garage doors

    Exceptional quality manufacturing, professional installation, and reliable repairs of automatic garage doors.


    To anyone who provides a successful referral (a successful referral means a closed deal with a client), KIP KOP d.o.o. will grant a credit of €50 for the purchase of goods or services from our sales program.

    The company KIP KOP d.o.o. uses collective leave from 30.10.24 to 4.11.24

    Automatic Doors for Tomorrow: Choose the Model that Interests You

    We offer you a wide range of different types of garage doors so that you can find the perfect solution for your needs. Our offer includes top-quality models of automatic garage doors designed to bring comfort, security, and aesthetics to your home.

    Do you need garage door repair or installation?

    Our customers trust us for several reasons:

    Quality: We take pride in our high-quality products and services that exceed our customers' expectations. Each product is carefully crafted and inspected to ensure a premium experience.

    Expertise: Our team consists of experts with extensive experience in the industry. We are committed to providing the best possible assistance and advice so that you can make informed decisions.

    References: Many satisfied customers have already experienced our products and services and recommend them to others. These references are a reflection of our consistent work and dedication to excellence

    Top-quality services
    Professional staff
    Simple pricing policy.
    100% guaranteed

    Areas we cover.

    Naša storitev obsega široko območje, saj pokrivamo več različnih regij. Ne glede na to, ali se nahajate v mestu ali oddaljenem podeželskem območju, smo tukaj, da vam zagotovimo naše vrhunske storitve. Naša prisotnost sega v različne kraje in se nenehno širi, kar nam omogoča, da dosežemo stranke v večjih mestih, manjših naseljih in njihovi okolici.